
We went online to the local station’s website and found a brief earlier interview of one of the thug’s mother. She went on and on to describe what a good boy he is; everybody likes him at her church and how he sings in the choir. He was enrolled at city college and all the other blah, blah; the etcetera, etcetera, plus the usual explanations, accusations and excuses why he is the real victim here. Marie and I drove to the club see exactly what they were up to and it was a good thing we did. The men were in no condition to walk home and had a snoot full. MARIE: THEY WERE SITTING AT A CORNER TABLE talking quietly with a half empty bottle of Jim Beam Black and two shot glasses. They both were disheveled and relaxed and they had smiles on their faces. They were obviously having a great time. When we walked to their table, Dad stood up and teetered in place for a second or two before sitting back down to finish his shot and boy was he plastered. Patrick finished his shot, stood up. Come here and kiss me."Paul moved from his position at Cindy's vagina to her side and reached around her with both arms. "You like?" he whispered in her ear."Oh, yes, yessssssssssssssss! How did you do that? No one has ever done that to me before." Cindy, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I just enjoy bringing you pleasure. I want you to be filled by my love and respect. Your pleasure is a labor of joy and a turn on to me. We've just started. Let me take you higher than any drug could."Cindy looked him in the eye and could see no hidden meaning in what he said. "You're serious, aren't you? You really think you can beat what you just did to me?" Serious as taxes." Let me try that." With that, Cindy pushed Paul on his back and began her own journey down her partner's body.Paul jerked as she gently licked his ear and whispered, "Hang on there babe, my turn."A sigh escaped Paul as Cindy's lips and teeth started to work their way to the base of Paul's neck. A gentle hum.
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